Mother Africa

You birthed me in wealth
You clothed me in fine linen
You gave me all the goodies of life
I was ungrateful
and complained.
I compared myself with those who had nothing
Only to lose what I had
To them.
They refused to accept me
They trampled upon me
And humiliated me. I became the scorn of my peers.
My children are wailing. I can’t help them
I have left them to the elements
The debris has engulfed me.
Going forward is difficult,
But going back is a great tumult.
Oh! Oh!
How I wish my hand could reach you
How I wish you could hear my groaning
Alas! My children are taken from me to be slaves.
My children have died on the seas to escape their wealth
Strangers have taken over
The dust has not settled yet.
Stephen Obiri Agyei