Why You Should Be Yourself And Be Content

We live in a world of constant hustle and bustle. We see all things that do not help us to push forward to achieve our utmost best in life. We hear all kinds of words that demotivate us to pursue our dreams and goals in life. Take note that people may come your way, people may go away from your life, but you would be “YOU”. You won’t leave your shadow behind. Your shadow will definitely follow you.
I have not gotten to the pinnacle of life, but I have learnt to be content with the little I have. This doesn’t mean that I’m not looking forward to getting more in life. Far from that, I have come to realise in life that you don’t need to only celebrate the big achievements, but as you progress too, learn to celebrate the journey, enjoy the ride of life, appreciate yourself, give yourself a kingly treat and tell yourself that you have achieved something at the present stage.
Next, look towards the next goal ahead. Let it be greater and higher than the previous. You know, you need to always challenge yourself and compete with yourself. It doesn’t matter how ambitious is that goal. Stay positive, take a deep breath and know that you can do it.
Most people are always engrossed in the attitude of mediocrity, fear, and the act of always competing with other people. What does this mindset do to you? Well, it limits your strength. Imagine that you are in a class of 20 students and the highest score is 70 out of 100. And a lot of your friends had 45 out of 100 and you happened to score 50 out of 100. Immediately, your inner being will quickly remind you that don’t worry, after all, you did better than others. That’s what most of our educational institutions are doing and churning out first-class students who are just in for the degrees.
Instead of you saying that you have done better done others, you should rather ask yourself a simple question. How can I do better than what I did? It’s said that people who ask questions open their minds up to solving problems and providing solutions than those who complain and do not ask questions. Thus, the whys, the whats and the hows are very important questions to understand fully what you are looking for. In journalism, your editor is always looking out for the 4Ws and H in the lead of the story. If you are able to answer these questions, then you can capture the attention of the audience and whet their appetite to read the rest of the story.
So, all in all, in the journey of life, it’s also essential to ask questions and that’s when you push yourself to get all the answers you need.
Follow these steps to help you live a life of contentment and fulfilment.
- Follow your passion
- Plan up your strengths
- Cherish your values
- Be curious
- Be ready to learn
- Don’t compare yourself with others
- Be grateful always