Good articles demand research and research demands reading.

I’ve always mooted the idea of writing. I’d always write unfinished bits and pieces of stories in my notebook and later, on my phone. I had not known this platform (Medium) yet. I had wanted to set up a blog to put out my thoughts for people to read. I loved writing.
It was during my master’s degree that one of my lecturers gave us articles to read and that’s when I discovered Medium. I read a lot of the articles that interest me aside from the ones my lecturer made us read. To be a prolific writer, you need to be an avid reader as well. They go hand in hand. Good articles demand research and research demands reading and being analytical about what you read. This would assist you with the already existing knowledge on the topic you want to write about and to further form your own perspective and create unique but interesting and inspiring content for your readers.
All great people whose names you still hear today were men of writing. No matter how small your idea is, people want to hear it, posterity would like to know about it and the only way it could survive is through writing.
With modern technology, like the internet, your writings are going to be on the internet for a long time.
Nobody can deny you from writing if only you think your ideas will serve the public good and it wouldn’t infringe on other people’s rights then you have the right to write.
Starting to write is difficult, but as with every craft or trade, you need to practise it consistently. The more you write, the more perfect you become at the skill of writing. Don’t be intimidated by what people will say. Accept the criticisms or the feedback and improve on. Without criticism, you can hardly notice your own flaws.
To this end, I appreciate all the feedback and criticisms on my writing.
Pick up your pen and paper or your phone or your computer and start writing because your ideas matter and your thoughts also matter. You might influence or motivate someone through your writing.