Your Mindset — The Powerful Tool

Stephen Obiri Agyei
3 min readAug 19, 2021


The Bible says in James 3:8–9 says, “With it [tongue] we bless our Lord and Father, and with it, we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing” In my own rendition of this in relation to mindset, I propose that the mindset is one of the unseen parts; it’s abstract. You can think positively or negatively. You can think big or small. Whatever you do, it starts from how you condition your mind to react to issues. That’s what makes us unique, too.

Good or charismatic leaders don’t forcefully make people do what they (leaders) want, but they, first of all, speak to their audience members’ minds, capture their minds and then the rest of their body will succumb to instructions of their mind.

To be able to learn about financial literacy, you need to invest in books that will teach you about money, attend seminars, and read about mentors who are ahead of you. You don’t learn how to drive a car just by reading it in a book. You have to DO IT.

After gaining knowledge about financial literacy, you must put it into practice. There are pitfalls, I must warn you, but winners are not afraid of losing but losers are afraid of losing. Take the risk and learn from any mistakes you encounter.

Why do you think that people are good public speakers or salespersons and others are not? Not only are they good communicators, but also, they speak to your mind in order to grab your attention within the first few minutes of their presentation. However, you have the power to control what you think about, how you think, and even when you think. Thus, you have the power to selectively retain or reject what someone says to you or about you.

Having said all that, if you want to be wealthy it also starts from a shift in your mindset. I read a book on CASHFLOW Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki and in it, he explains the four categories of people in the work environment. The first category is employee and self-employed and the second category is business owner and investor. He elucidates that for those in category A (employee, self-employed) to move to category B (business owner, investor), the most important attribute is the MINDSET.

Thus, the thinking of the rich is different from the thinking of the poor. For instance, while the poor will say I can’t do it; the rich will say how can I do it? The poor will say let me live within my means, the rich will say how do I expand my means to meet my needs? In essence, the more you ask questions the more your brain begins to act to find solutions to the questions.

Another important thing that holds people back is the question — Where do I start from? This resonates with a lot of people. The moment you begin to ask yourself this question — that’s the moment to start. Don’t be afraid of taking risks or failing. Someone asked the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison, why did you fail 114 times to manufacture the light bulb. He succinctly replied that I successfully found out what did not work 114 times. I did not fail 114 times. A former MISS USA once said, “Do not fear failure but be terrified of regret as giving up is the birth of regret”. In effect, what is holding you back is YOU.

Start thinking about what you want to become and start doing it. Be willful and not just wishful.



Stephen Obiri Agyei

Stephen Obiri Agyei is a versatile writer and an avid reader. He loves writing on a wide range of topics. He loves to share quality content with his friends.