4 Ways To Make Your Life Easier

Stephen Obiri Agyei
3 min readJun 10, 2023


Photo By Solange_Z on istockphoto.com

Life is all about choices, and you determine the choice you make. Yet, the world has also set a standard that has compounded the inner pressure that we are dealing with. It has led many people to live many lives to please others; in so doing, they have had to tell untruths.

What are the four things you don’t need to do?

  1. Don’t go where you’re tolerated; Go where you are celebrated

Many people want to be accepted into a particular clique; although, the group might not receive them with open arms. You don’t have to go where you are tolerated, instead go where you are celebrated and valued. If telling others about who you are will make people shun your company, disrespect you or look down upon you, don’t be intimidated or sad. Don’t harm yourself in the process of being accepted. Your background doesn’t define who you will be in the future. As the adage goes, the past is history, the present is a gift and the future is a mystery. We don’t get to choose our background, but the only thing we can choose is how we want our future to be. Pause reading and write down how you want your future to be.

2. Don’t let people define your thoughts

Define your thoughts. Your mindset is a very powerful tool, so don’t let people use it as their playground. The common denominator of all mankind is the brain that we have, which forms our thought process. You can use it positively or negatively. You can start taking action. Nobody determines where he or she is born, but you can determine how your future should look like. It’s your fault if you don’t change your thoughts and mindset. The richness of your thoughts determines how wealthy you are. You might be born into a rich family, but you might end up like a pauper, and you may be born into a poor family, but become the change agent in your family. Don’t despise the family or social strata you find yourself. CHANGE STARTS WITH YOU.

3. Don’t let your past life define you.

Your past doesn’t define you. You may have made mistakes in the past. It doesn’t mean that you can’t change if you don’t want to change. Change, as I said, starts with you. You are the master of your life and the driver of your car. Not everyone is supposed to go with you on the same path to reach your destination. Some will alight on the way. But you have to press towards the goal you’ve set for yourself. In all you do, don’t disrespect anyone. Stay focus.

4. Don’t be idle; Work towards something.

The moment you realise that you want to be great, and you change your mindset and work hard towards it, it will change. It would be soon. Even if you don’t see it in your lifetime, you would have laid a solid foundation for future generations. Simply put, if you want your future kids to enjoy the goodies of life, you must sacrifice now. Write down 5 things you want your children to have that you don’t have, and what you can sacrifice to achieve that. Let your children build on what you have started instead of them starting from scratch.

Final Thoughts

Kudos that you’ve read to the end of this article. Follow the four steps, and you will be on the brighter side of life. We all have different personalities and individual paths to our destination, so discover your path, no matter how long it takes. Smaller steps in the right direction are better than bigger steps of following the crowd to nowhere.



Stephen Obiri Agyei

Stephen Obiri Agyei is a versatile writer and an avid reader. He loves writing on a wide range of topics. He loves to share quality content with his friends.